From Quitter to Winner: How To Overcome The Urge To Give Up


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It’s natural to feel like giving up when things get tough. It could be because of a difficult project at work or school, a challenging personal goal or maybe when we are pushed into a difficult situation in our personal lives. The point is there are times when we feel like throwing in the towel is the more convenient option.

However, the truth is this – Quitting is never the productive option. It is the one thing that separates us from the success we crave and while that might seem obvious, most times when our backs are against the wall and we’ve lost all sense of hope, we’re often blinded to this truth.

So what are the strategies we can use to go from being quitters to winners? That’s what this post is about.


1.      REFRAME YOUR MINDSET: One of the biggest obstacles to persistence is having a defeatist mindset. When we truly believe that our challenges are above us, it becomes easy to justify quitting. To combat this negative belief, try thinking of the challenge as being smaller than it appears. This will help you approach challenges more confidently and with less anxiety.

2.      BREAK DOWN WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO INTO SMALLER STEPS: Having the confidence to take on big challenges is one thing. However, it’s a completely different thing to keep the momentum going for an extended period of time. Unless you’re really confident, you could try breaking down your tasks into milestones. Having milestones does not only give you a chance to catch your breath, it also gives you a reason to celebrate.

3.      GET ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS: You’ve probably heard the saying no one is an island. Well, here’s another; An accountability partner helps you stay committed and focused on your goals, even when the going gets tough. Think of an accountability partner as a personal trainer for your goals. They’re always there to make sure you don’t take the easy way out by calling it quits.

4.      HAVE A BIG PICTURE: The reason for this is simple. Most people find it easy to quit when they don’t have something to look forward to. They fail to weigh the consequences of their inactions because they are unable to see how much it affects them down the road. 

     I almost fell victim to this when I went on a hiatus from the blog. I could have given all the excuses in the world and I would have felt better about extending the hiatus but I’d be ignoring the truth I refused to see and the truth was that I was missing out on my own self-improvement by neglecting my writing. 

     It doesn’t have to be grand, just something you can write somewhere you won’t forget. For example, it could be what you would be missing out on if you decide to quit. {The power of a subtle reminder is not in its intensity but in its frequency}

5.      TAKE BREAKS IF YOU NEED TO: As important as it is to give it your all, no one has infinite stamina. There will be times when you might need to replenish your energy. Don’t feel ashamed about taking breaks while other people (your colleagues) are busy firing all day. We all have different strengths and you know your body better than anyone so whenever you feel like you need a break, do your best to take the break. But don’t take too long.

In conclusion, quitting is rarely the answer when things get tough. By reframing your mindset, breaking big loads of work into smaller chunks, getting an accountability partner and taking some much needed rest, you can break your cycle of quitting and start winning like you were born to.

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